Kerst-etalage Feito com Amor // Christmas window display at Feito Com Amor

Gisteren mocht ik bij het prachtige vintage- en designerwinkeltje Feito com Amor in Breda de kerst(maar niet te kerstige)etalage inrichten. Ik heb het geweldig naar mijn zin gehad met het combineren van verschillende vintage- en designeritems en als klap op de vuurpijl; mijn eigen kerstversieringen, deels gepresenteerd op een lifesize houten lama!
Zie hier de ‘work in progress’ en eindresultaat foto’s.

Yesterday, I had the honor to decorate the christmas (but not so very christmas-ish) window display of the wonderful vintage- and designerstore Feito com Amor in  a town called Breda.
I had a wonderful time combining all sorts of vintage and designer-items. And I enjoyed the ‘cherry on top’ the most; my own christmas decorations, presented on a lifesize llama made out of wood. Life can’t get much better than that! Here are some pictures of my work in progress and of course, the end result.


Hi there! This is me: Vera Bertens. Freelance Imagery Inventor from The Netherlands. I live and work in my New England style home that is mostly pink from the inside. In my colorful, mid-century inspired studio I make illustrations, design products and create digital content for my own brand (franje design) as well as other clients, brands and companies.

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