Fijne valentijnsdag! // Happy Valentine’s Day!


Hoi allemaal! Ik wil jullie even een hele fijne Valentijnsdag wensen! Ik hoop dat jullie de dag doorbrengen met de mensen van wie je het meeste houdt en dat je alle mooie momenten die jullie samen meemaken zult koesteren. Geniet ervan!

Hi everyone! I’m just dropping in real quick to wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you get to spend the day surrounded by your loved ones and cherish all the beautiful moments you have together. Enjoy!

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Hi there! This is me: Vera Bertens. Freelance Imagery Inventor from The Netherlands. I live and work in my New England style home that is mostly pink from the inside. In my colorful, mid-century inspired studio I make illustrations, design products and create digital content for my own brand (franje design) as well as other clients, brands and companies.

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